Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The New White House

It is gratifying to feel listened to by the people I pay taxes to. I disagree with Obama on many things (I'd actually define myself, if anything, as a log cabin liberal Republican) but I do feel that he is more fair about this war than Bush was. I feel that he does not scoff at my non-violent beliefs, and is listening to what the extraordinary cost of war really is.

If a war is justified anywhere, it is justified in Afghanistan. He has a battleplan. He doesn't have cotton in his ears. I morally disagree with it, I do not logically disagree with it.

I disagree with him on government spending. If anything, the government needs to be tightening her belt in preparation of a very long recession. (Listen to Alan Greenspan already!) But at least the money is going in-house, not to large companies like Black Water and Halliburton. I feel better having more government oversight. It makes me sick to think how many random killings by my government has been done overseas in the last eight years. Now there is at least a pittance of justice, as opposed to none.

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