Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I'm heartbroken about Haiti.

For me, this is what I'm going to do:

-Take a deep breath, and keep doing what I am doing to help people. I can't help everyone, and I do have to take care of myself. I'm committed to Eduardo and Manuel. Right now, that's what I need to stick to.

-Give tiny bits here and there. Buy cheaper food and give the extra money set aside for food to the funds set up at the grocery store. Instead of playing the lottery: give. $7.00 may not be much, but if every single person in the US gave that we would raise 2,128,418,068. That is ALOT. If every household gave that much, we'd raise 721 million dollars. If every household that is making above 24,000 a year gave that much we would raise more like 427 million dollars.

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