Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The last apple cider pressing day of the season and Robert has 13 gallons in the truck. Yum! It's as good as my mama's applesauce.


Unknown said...

Just made 50 quarts of applesauce from a blend of seconds apples. Nice big apples with only a tiny blemish in each one! The multiple flavors blended together in a smooth sauce. Micah was helping and pulled the hot sauce grinder off the spot on the counter but he is OK. The spot on the rug is a reminder of the near-fatal accident which sends chills up and down my spine.
Dad wants to know what Robert is going to do with 13 gallons--ferment it? Or is it freezing there? We bought two gallons from EZ orchards today and it is sure good. Love, MOM

Michelle said...

We're freezing about 12 gallons of it and trying to ferment 1 gallon, just to see. Right now it's all in the freezer. Apple cider slushy anyone?

It's REALLY good. Unpasteurized without any additives, not even sugar. Robert works for this hippie guy with an orchard, and every year they press most of it into cider. We've also got a few crates of apples. We're going to have apple pie for Thanksgiving, and I'm going to make applesauce, but I don't have the squeezer, and I'm trying to figure out how to do it with the sieve I have.

I love you. I didn't realize any family still reads this, I'm sorry if the swearing insults you. I'll cool it down a little (just for you).

Hug Micah for me, and I love you so much. I'm so glad he didn't get hurt badly.

Unknown said...

Yummmm. Did you actually make apple pie? We had pumpkin pie, apple juice and apples in a raw cranberry relish. And apple snacks at bedtime. Do you remember the Johnny Appleseed book where he had apple work to do? Wish I still had that book for Micah. EZ Orchards is still squeezing their apples into cider. I am always sad when they quit and we have no freezer big enough to hold much.