Friday, February 19, 2010

My philosophy teacher is a moron.

So I'm hashing out what I need from him. I need the credits. I'm not learning anything from him. I'm paying for the credits. I don't care about the grades, I hypothetically have enough high-profile recommendations to scooch myself into a mediocre graduate school position.

So let's face it. I'm going to spend as little time interacting with my teacher as possible. I am not going to ream him out for philosophizing about whether or not women are lying when they say they've been raped. I'm going to take my Xanax, read the material with my middle finger perpetually wagging, and write unflinchingly boring papers while soundly cussing him out the entire time.

My hope is that I'll spend less than ten hours to finish the course. That should get me a C.

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