Wednesday, March 4, 2009


On Tuesday a tenant called the fire department. She mistook the smell of my Pine-Sol for a real emergency. Hmmmm. Is somebody cleaning the floor, or burning down the building?

On Wednesday: my birthday. I baked a cake for myself and made homemade pierogi for everyone. Robert bought me Barbarella (with Jane Fonda) and the book "Cunt." He said he was standing in the bookstore trying to decide if the book was too feminist for his feminist wife. I said yes, but I read it through a few years ago anyway. He laughed and we kissed. Tonight we watch Barbarella and eat leftover cake and pierogi.

Another birthday treat... I got to talk to Micah. He sounds so little over the phone, his voice so high. Such a good little guy. He starts school next year. He misses his St. Helena home. "It's hard to leave your home," he told me seriously. Awww. I want to hug him. I'm saving up for my parents and Micah to come for a couple weeks in November, when Robert and I move into our own apartment. It certainly isn't ideal to live with anyone in the first year of blissful marriage, but it saves us a good chunk of money and means I have more money when my family comes and money saved up for school/future house/vacations.

I have a job as a cleaning lady at my apartments. My hands are peeling and hardening into callouses. There is a blister where my wedding ring slides on. It's a good feeling.

I'm signed up for 15 credits at EOU. I'm trying to polish them off and get ahead in school now. Just as it's difficult to catch up once you've fallen behind it's easy to get ahead if you work at it. I'm really working at it. I'm terrified of getting horribly depressed and falling into academic disarray. Again.

Not again!