This post is an ode to my old job, at the Museum of Contemporary Craft in Portland. The exhibition is "Touching Warms the Art" and when the going was slow I'd don the jewelry and take pictures of myself like a narcissist. It makes me laugh. These are a few.

My coworkers and I. Hello everyone! I miss you! I hope your new security guard works out.

I kind of like this one.

I was trying to primp myself since I was wearing curlers, after all. It doesn't quite work with the badge, though. A few of my coworkers tried to convince me to put my badge in the exhibition and see if people would try it on. I got bored enough to try and take it off. I tugged at it for a good hour and ripped a fingernail trying for this practical joke. Then, surrendered back to sudoku.

This is the sweetest picture in the world, taken on Valentines Day. The exhibition was boarded on hooks and four organic-looking, artsy cardboard tables, where the visitors could touch and feel and try on low-cost jewelry created by famous artists. They could take pictures of themselves with a Mac computer (which is what I did all the time).
A gentleman came in and asked if he could put an engagement ring in there for Valentines, and ask his girlfriend to marry him. The administrators said yes and he did it without a glitch. My coworkers watched the whole thing over the security cameras.
She said yes. Isn't this the sweetest proposal and cutest picture? I smile each time I look at it.