Yes. This post is titled The Boiling River.
The earth was dusted in a film of snow when I got up. Leona looked out the window, looked at me, and said, "My goodness girl, you aren't going out, are you?" When I answered in the affirmative she shook her head and tut-tutted.
It was blizzarding when I entered the park, and I had no problem getting rides. I'm a girl, I look cold, people will stop. I went up to Mammoth for my friend Billy (who is an absolute sweetie, I met him in The Blue Goose a couple weeks ago, while he was coordinating an AA meeting). He was still a lump in his bed, and I could hear him groaning as his (very Mormon) roommate looked at me as if I was crazy.
But we went anyway! I have to run, I have the pictures on my computer and they aren't downloading, I think something is wrong with my snapfish account. Be back. Writing group. Bye.